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From the Collection of Lieutenant Colonel Edward De Santis, MSCE, P.E., MInstRE
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Camera indicates that a photograph of the individual is available


Officers of the Royal Engineers during the Victorian period were intelligent men with a keen eye for detail - devoted to their work; meticulous, and perfectionists. They had little interest in the passing glories of war; but rather a compelling urge to do not only what was needed - but what was best. They were irked by negligence and bad planning, but were loyally silent on the manifest failings of their superiors. Their training at Woolwich was designed to produce skillful techicians rather than gallant leaders of men. Dashing cavaliers - the high-spirited young bloods who lived for the hounds, London society, and expensive, raucous evenings of Claret and wagering - were not welcome in the Royal Engineers; and they in turn were generally uninterested in the steady, unglamorous life of the Sapper. From "A Widow-Making War"
edited by Howard Whitehouse


Anderson, Frederick William
(killed in action, 29 March 1918)

Served in the 416
th (Edinburgh) Field Company, R.E. Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal.

Armstrong, Herbert Rowse, T.D.

Served in
the 1st Lancashire R.E. (V), the 1st Devonshire and Somerset R.E. (V) and the 1st Wessex Field Company, R.E. (T.F.).  Forfeited his Great War medals when he was charge with murder.  Executed at Gloucester Prison on 31 May 1922.

Baker, Henry Horace


Baldwin, Frederick Thomas
(deceased 7 October 1950)

(formerly 1851944 Warrant Officer Class II)
Entitled to the M.B.E., M.M. 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVR)

Baldwin, James Alexander
(deceased 23/8/1949)

(formerly 1851693 Regimental Sergeant Major, Royal Engineers)
Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVR) and Meritorious Service Medal (GVR).

Batho, John
(died of wounds 30 September 1915)

Served with the 54
th Field Company in the 7th Division.
[Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal with Mention in Despatchers]

Battye, Basil Condon, D.S .O., A.M.
(deceased 16 May 1932)

[Entitled to the Distinguished Service Order, Albert Medal, Africa General Service Medal with clasp [SOMALILAND 1903-04], 1914 Star and bar, British War Medal, Victory Medal with MID oak leaf, French Legion of Honor and Belgian Croix de Guerre]. Served in the Military Works Service, 3
rd Sappers and Miners and 141st Infantry Brigade.

Battye, Stuart Hedley Molesworth, C.B., M.A.
(deceased 17 April 1987)

Major General (formerly Royal Engineers

Beaumont, Frederick Edward Blackett
(deceased 20 August 1899)


Benfield, Robert
(decease d 11 December 1942)

Entitled to the Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal in 1905 and the King George V Coronation Medal in 1911.

Bladwell , Leonard Joseph
(killed in action 14 October 1918)

2nd Lieutenant
Served in the Special Brigade and in the 437
th Field Company. Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.

Blanch, Arthur Thomas Henry, M.C.
(deceased 1st Qtr 1973)

Entitled to the Military Cross, British War Medal and Victory Medal with Mention in Despatches

Boileau, Frank Ridley Farrer
(died of wounds, 27 August 1914)

Served as GSO1 in the 3
rd Division of the British Expeditional Force in France. Previously had served in India in the Lushai, 1889-1892 Campaign and in the Relief of Chitral, 1895. Also served with the 7th Field Company in the South Africa War, 1899-1900.

Bonus, Joseph
(deceased 11 June 1926)

Colonel (later Major General)
[Entitled to the Indian Mutiny Medal with clasp [CENTRAL INDIA] and the Afghanistan 1878-1880 Medal with no clasp].

Bovet, William
(killed in action, 5 July 1918)

Lieutenant Colonel
Served as the Officer Commanding the 17
th Company, Bombay Sappers and Miners in Somoliland (Mentioned in Despatches) and the Commander Royal Engineers of the 12th (Eastern) Division in France. Entitled to the Africa General Service Medal with clasps [SOMALILAND 1902-04][JIDBALLI], 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal (twice Mentioned in Despatches).

Boyd-Carpenter, Victor Charles Douglas
(killed in action, 28 August 1916)

Served in the 89
th Field Company, 14th (Light) Division. [Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Bradford, John William
(deceased 25 November 1999)

(formerly 1870203 Warrant Officer Class I, Mechanist Sergeant Major). [Entitled to the 1939-45 Star, Defence Medal, War Medal and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVIR) with bar [REGULAR ARMY]

Bristed, Geoffrey Thornborrow

Formerly a Trooper in King Edward's Horse. Served in the 3rd Field Squadron, 82nd Field Company and 459th Field Company, Royal Engineers during the Great War of 1914-1918. Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal with m.i.d. and General Service Medal 1918 with clasp [IRAQ]. Son of Major Richard Bower Bristed, Royal Engineers.

Bristed, Richard Bower (O.B.E.)

Served in the 2nd Labour Battalion, Royal Engineers and the 701st and 707th Labour Companies, Labour Corps during the Great War of 1914-1918. Entitled to the Order of the British Empire (Military), 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal. Father of Captain Geoffrey Thornborrow Bristed, Royal Engineers.

Brown, Austin Hanbury (D.S.O., M.C.)
(killed in action, 27 March 1918)

Served in the 2nd Field Company, 8th Division during the Great War of 1914-1918. Entitled to the Distinguished Service Order, Military Cross, 1914 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal. Son of Major Sir Robert Hanbury Brown, K.C.M.G., Royal Engineers.

Brown, Sir Robert Hanbury ( K.C.M.G.)
(deceased 4 May 1926)

Served as Inspector General of Irrigation in Egypt and Second-in-Command of the 3rd Volunteer Battalion of the Royal Sussex Regiment during the Great War of 1914-1918. In addition to the K.C.M.G. he was awarded the Egyptian Orders of Medjidie and Osmanieh. He was the father of Major Austin Hanbury Brown, D.S.O., M.C., Royal Engineers.

Browne, James Frankfort Manners (K.C.B)
(deceased 6 February 1911)

Lieutenant Colonel (later General Sir James)

Buckley, Thomas (M.C.)

[Entitled to the Military Cross, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal with m.i.d.]

Burge, Arthur Vincent (M.B.E., B.E.M.)
(deceased 30 January 1991)

[Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (M.B.E.), British Empire Medal (B.E.M.), 1939-45 Star, Africa Star with clasp [8
TH ARMY], Italy Star, War Medal with M.I.D. oak leaf, General Service Medal, 1918-1964 with clasp [ARABIAN PENINSULA], Queen Elizabeth II Coronation Medal, The Efficiency Medal with bar [MILITIA]

Calder, Charles S.T.

[Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Cameron, John Ancrum
(deceased 26 August 1996)

Lieutenant Colonel
Served in the Queen's Own Madras Sappers and Miners. Entitled to the India General Service Medal 1908 with clasp [NORTHWEST FRONTIER 1930-31], 1939-45 Star, Africa Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal, War Medal with m.i.d., and General Service Medal 1918 with clasp [MALAYA] and m.i.d.

Campbell, H.G.

Served as the Officer Commanding the 474
th (South Midlands) Field Company, 48th Division. Killed in action at Peselhoek, near Popering. [Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Caparn, Eric Thomas (O.B.E)(M.C.)

[Entitled to the Order of the British Empire, Military Cross, British War Medal, Victory Medal, General Service Medal 1918 with clasp [IRAQ], and the Iraqi Order of Al Rafidhain].

Case, Elliott Dryden
(killed in action, 27 July 1915)

Served in the 2
nd (Newcastle) Northumbrian Field Company with the 50th Northumbrian Division.
[Entitled to the Military Cross, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Case, Harry Ernest
(killed in action, 14 August 1915)

2nd Lieutenant
Served in the 1
st (Newcastle) Northumbrian Field Company with the 50th Northumbrian Division.
[Entitled to the Military Cross, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Channing, Leslie Jack Newbery
(deceased 14 July 1995)

[Entitled to the 1939-45 Star, Africa Star, Defence Medal War Medal, General Service Medal 1918 with clasp [PALESTINE] and the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVIR) with bar [REGULAR ARMY]

Charlton, Herbert Alfred
(deceased 4 December 1984)

[Entitled to the 1939-45 Star, France & Germany Star, Defence Medal, War Medal, Coronation Medal (EIIR) and the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVIR) with bar [REGULAR ARMY]

Chase, Archibald Alderman (D.S.O.)
(died of wounds 10 March 1917)

Major (Acting Lieutenant Colonel)
Served 1
st Indian Field Squadron, as O.C., 80th Field Company Royal Engineers and as O.C., 8th Battalion, Royal Sussex Regiment (Pioneers). [Entitled to the Distinguished Service Order, 1914 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal (3 times Mentioned in Despatches.

Clifford, Esmond Humphrey M iller (C.B.E., D.S.O.)
(deceased 3 September 1970)

Served in the 7
th Division during the Great War and as Chief Engineer of the China Command in the Second World War. Taken captive by the Japanese in Hong Kong in December 1941. Awarded the C.B.E., O.B.E., 1939-45 Star, Pacific Star, Defence Medal and War Medal.

Clarke, Alexander Ross (C.B., F.R.S., F.R.S.E.)
(deceased 11 February 1914)

Served with the Ordnance Survey for 27 years and was the father of the science known as Geodesy.

Clissold, Henry “Hank” (D.S.O.)
(killed in action 28 August 1917)

[Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Colclough, Maurice Joseph
(deceased 18 January 1984)

Entitled to the General Service Medal 1918-1964 with clasp [PALESTINE 1945-48] and the Royal Engineers Training Battalion Medal for Physical Fitness.

Coles, Walter

[Entitled to the Afghanistan 1878 Medal, Egypt 1882 Medal with one clasp, and the Khedive's Star]

Constable, Willoughby Verner
(deceased 28 November 1943)

Honorary Colonel
[Entitled to the Egypt 1882 Medal with clasp [SUAKIN] and the Khedive's Star]

Cooper, Frederick William (M.C.)
(killed in action 18 April 1918)

Formerly 41184 Sapper, R.E. Enititled to the Military Cross, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal with Mention in Despatches. Served in the 105
th Field Company, 25th Division.

Crookshank, Arthur Alexande r
(deceased 1959)

Lieutenant Colonel
[Entitled to the India Geneeral Service Medal, 1895 [PUNJAB FRONTIER 1897-8] 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal]. Brother of Chichester De Windt Crookshank and Sydney D’Aguilar Crookshank.

Crookshank, Chichester De W indt (DL, JP, KSJ, FSA)
(deceased 23 October 1958)

[Entitled to the India General Service Medal 1854, Queen’s South Africa Medal, King’s South Africa Medal, British Wa Medal and Victory Medal]. Brother of Arthur Alexander Crookshank.

Crookshank, Sydney D’Aguilar
(K.C.M.G., C.B., C.I.E., D.S.O., M.V.O., K.St.J.)
(deceased 17 August 1941)

Major General (formerly Royal Engineers

Daniels, Lindsay Sydney (O.B.E.)
(deceased July 1963)

Lieutenant Colonel
[Entitled to the Order of the British Empire, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, and Victory Medal with m.i.d.]

Dean, Henry James
(brother of William George Dean)

(deceased 27 August 1918)

[Entitled to the Queen's South Africa Medal, King's South Africa Medal, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVR)].

Dean, William George
(brother of Henry James Dean)

[Entitled to the Egypt 1882 Medal with clasp [THE NILE 1884-5], British War Medal, the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (VR), and the Khedive's Star 188-6].

Delme-Radcliffe, Michael
(deceased 26 November 1945)

[Entitled to the India Geneeral Service Medal, 1936 with clasp [NORTH WEST FRONTIER 1937-1939], the 1939-45 Star, Pacific Star, Defence Medal and War Medal].

Douglas, Quentin
(deceased 3 May 1974)

[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, 1939-45 Star, Burma Star, Defence Medal, War Medal and 1953 Coronation Medal].

Douglas, William Sholto
(died of wounds 17 November 1914)

[Entitled to the Queen's South Africa Medal, Queen’s Sudan Medal, 1914 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal with m.i.d.,

Dykes, Herbert Charles
(deceased 4 September 1964)

[Entitled to the 1939-45 Star, Africa Star with 8th Army bar, Italy Star, France & Germany Star, War Medal with m.i.d., and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVIR)]. Awards of the Africa and Italy Stars are unverified.

Fisher, Arthur Agincourt, C.B.


Foley, Algernon Campbell
(deceased 14 March 1926)

Entitled to the Afghanistan 1878-80 Medal (no bar), Egypt Medal 1882 with bar [GEMAIZAH 1888], Queen's South Africa Medal with clasps [CAPE COLONY] [ORANGE FREE STATE][JOHANNESBURG][DIAMOND HILL][BELFAST], Khedive's Star.

Folkes, William Henry
(deceased 8 October 1943)

[Entitled to the Queen's South Africa Medal, King's South Africa Medal, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal with m.i.d., Defence Medal, Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVR), and the Meritorious Service Medal (GVR)]. Formerly 29647 Foreman of Works Quartermaster Sergeant, R.E.

Foot, Stephen Henry (D.S.O.)
(deceased 24 June 1966)

[Entitled to the Distinguished Service Order, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal with m.i.d.]. (RESEARCH IN PROGRESS)

Ford, J.L. (T.D.)

Entitled to the Territorial Efficiency Decorations (EIIR) with one clasp and the Royal Engineers Shooting Medal for Rifle Marksmanship dated 1962). (RESEARCH IN PROGRESS)

Fort, Harold Mellor
(deceased 6 October 1958)

Lieutenant, Royal Engineers.
[Entitled to the British War and Victory Medals]

Freshwater, Charles
Formerly Superintending Clerk, Warrant Officer Class I

Acting Major
Establishment for Engineer Services and General Staff Directorate (War Office). Entitled to the 1914 Star [bar], British War Medal, Victory Medal (m.i.d.), Jubilee Medal (GVR), Coronation Medal (GVIR), Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVR), and the Meritorious Service Medal (GVR).

Gold-Spilsbury, Robert John
(deceased 28 June 1981)

Entitled to the Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVR) with bar [REGULAR ARMY]. Also a recipient of the following sports medals:  Royal Engineers Training Battalion Silver Medal for Inter-Platoon Football, 1920; Army Rifle Association Bronze Medal, Corps Shield Rifle Match, 1922; Suez Canal Area Football Bronze Medal, 1922-23; Cairo YMCA Six-A-Side Football League Silver Medal, 1923; Army Rifle Association Silver Medal, Corps Shield, 1925 and Scottish Command Bronze Medal, Inter-Unit Hockey, 1928.

Graham, Sir Gerald
(V.C., G.C.B., G.C.M.G.)
(deceased 17 December 1899)

Lieutenant General

Greenfield, S.A.

[Entitled to the India General Service Medal 1908-1935 with clasp [North West Frontier 1930-31], 1939-45 Star, War Medal and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVIR)].

Griggs, Ernest Howard

Lieutenant Colonel

Haldinstein, Frank Woolfe
(killed in action 7 March 1917)

Served in the 8
th Divisional Signal Company.
[Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal]

  Harding, K.

[Entitled to the Territorial Efficiency Medal (GVIR)]

Harness, Henry Drury

Lieutenant Colonel

Harper, Sir George Montague
(killed in an automobile accident on 15 December 1922)

Lieutenant General

Harrison, Fred

[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War and Victory Medals]

Haugh, James Patrick

[Entitled to the British War and Victory Medals]

Hedley, Gerald Montage
(deceased 4 October 1918)

Served in the Army Service Corps and in the 29
th Advance Park Company, R.E. Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal with Mention in Despatches and the Order of the Crown of Italy.

Hill, John Robertshaw
(k illed in action, 6 May 1917)

2nd Lieutenant
Served in “P” Special Company, Special Brigade, Royal Engineers.
[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Hobson, Allen Faber (D.S.O.)
(d ied of wounds, 28 August 1916)

Entitled to the Distinguished Service Order, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal with Mention in Despatches oak leaf. Officer Commanding, 2/1st (West Riding Field Company.

Hodgart, Hugh Maclure (M.C.)
(deceased 9 January 1937)

[Entitled to the Military Cross, British War Medal, Victory Medal with m.i.d., Territorial War Medal and Special Constabulary Long Service Medal (GVR)].

Hodgson, Frederick Charles
(deceased 1963)

Captain (Quartermaster)
Entitled to the Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (EVIIR)

Holbrow, Thomas Leonard Stanley (M.C.)
(killed in action, 28 March 1918)

Served in the Royal Flying Corps and the 156
th Field Company, Royal Engineers.
[Entitled to the Military Cross, 1914 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Holloway, Reginald Edward (C.B.E.)

[Entitled to the CBE, India General Service Medal 1908 with m.i.d., 1939-45 Star, Africa Star, Burma Star, Defence Medal, War Medal with m.i.d., General Service Medal 1918, Coronation Medal (EIIR), and India Independence Medal].

Hopkins, Norman John
(m.i.d.)(French Legion of Honour)

(deceased 31 October 1954)

Lieutenant Colonel
[Entitled to the 1914 Star and bar, British War Medal, Victory Medal with m.i.d., Defence Medal and French Legion of Honour]

Hopkyns, Daniel Knox
(deceased 11 February 1963)

[Entitled to the British War Medal, Victory Medal with m.i.d., and Jubilee Medal 1935].

Irvine, Francis Duncan
(killed in action 27 April 1915)

[Entitled to the India General Service Medal 1895 with clasp [WAZIRISTAN 1901-2], 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, and Victory Medal. Killed in action at Gallipoli while serving as Brigade Major, 1st Australian Infantry Brigade.

Jackson, William Guy
(deceased 22 October 1986)

Formerly 28245 Corporal, Royal Engineers. Served in the G.H.Q. Signals Company (B.E.F.) and then as a Lieutenant, R.E. in “Y” (XXII) Corps Signals Company. [Entitled to the Military Cross, 1914 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal]. In WW2 he served in 76 Anti-Aircraft Regiment, Royal Artillery as a Captain, from 1939-1944.

Jacques, Leslie Innes
(C.B., C.B.E., M.C.)

(deceased 28 December 1959)

Served in the 280
th Army Troops Company and the 233rd Field Company in the Great War and Chief Engineers XXI and XV Indian Corps in WW2.

Jenkins, Ernest Henry
(deceased 20 June 1975)

[Entitled to the General Service Medal with clasp [PALESTINE[, 1939-45 Star, Africa Star, Defence Medal, War Medal and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVIR)

Jenks, Alan Robert Constantine
(killed in action 31 July 1917)

[Entitled to the Military Cross, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, and Victory Medal].
Served as Officer Commanding, 61
st Field Company, Royal Engineers)

Jenner, Alfred Charles
(deceased 19 May 1985)

[ormerly 1859432 Quartermaster Sergeant Instructor, R.E.
[entitled to the War Medal and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVIR)]

Jervois, William Francis Drummond
(G.C.M.G. C.B.)

Lieutenant General
Colonel Commandant, Royal Engineers

Joseph, Stewart Hugh
(died of wounds 18 August 1917)

Lieutenant (Acting Major)
[Entitled to the 1914 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal]. Served with the Director of Works, 248th Army Troops Company and the 227th Field Company.

Keast, Sydney Banks
(O.B.E.)(M.C. and bar)(French Croix de Guerre)
(deceased 20 March 1964)

Keast, Una Tomlin (wife of Major S.B. Keast, R.E.)
(deceased 4 December 1942)

[Entitled to the O.B.E., Military Cross and bar, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal with m.i.d., Jubilee Medal 1935 (GVR), Coronation Medal 1937 (GVIR), 1939-45 War Medal, Defence Medal and French Croix de Guerre]

Nurse, Voluntary Aid Detachment
[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, Belgian Medal of King Albert, 1914-1918, Jubilee Medal 1935 (GVR) and Coronation Medal 1937 (GVIR)]

Kelly, Harry Holdsworth
(killed in action 24 October 1914)

[Entitled to the 1914 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, 3rd Class Order of Osmanieh, 3rd Class Order of Medjidieh, Khedive’s Sudan Medal 1910 with clasp [1912]

Killen, Edward Osborne Rice
(killed in action, Mesopotamia, 15 January 1917)

[Entitled to the 1915-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal].

King, Edward Albert

(formerly 75809 Sapper and 1859465 Warrant Officer Class I)
[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, 1939-45 Star, Africa Star, France & Germany Star, War Medal, and Defence Medal]

Kingsnorth, George John


Kirke, Edwards St. George (D.S.O.)
(deceased 12 November 1957)

Served in East Africa during the Great War with the Indian Railway Corps. Served until 1940 with the Royal Engineers and Royal Air Force. [Entitled to the Distinguished Service Order, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal with M.I.D.)

Kirke, St. George Mervyn
(d eceased 7 April 1928)

Father of Colonel Edwards St. George Kirke, D.S.O., R.E., Lieutenant Colonel Kenneth St. George Kirke, D.S.O., R.A. and General Sir Walter Mervyn St. George Kirke, G.C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O. (later of the Royal Artillery)

Lace, Walter Henry
(killed in action, 8 November 1918)

[Entitled to the Military Cross, British War Medal and Victory Medal]. Served in the 439th Field Company, 74th (Yeomanry) Division.

Lacey, Christopher William
(deceased December 1966)

[Entitled to the British War Medal, Victory Medal,
General Service Medal GVR clasp [S. PERSIA], 1935 Jubilee Medal (GVR) and the 1937 Coronation Medal (GVIR)

Leeves, Arthur Henry

[Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Legh, Frank Bertram (O.B.E.)(M.C.)(French Legion of Honour)

Lieutenant Colonel
[Entitled to the O.B.E., M.C., 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal with m.i.d., and French Legion of Honour].

Le Mesurier, Frederick Augustus (C.B.)
(deceased 9 June 1926)

[Entitled to the C.B., Egypt 1882 Medal with clasp [SUAKIN 1885] and the Khedive's Star 1884-6].

Le Mesurier, George James Brooke

(deceased 11 December 2942)

Great nephew of Colonel Frederick Augustus Le Mesurier, CB, R.E.  Died in Hong Kong during World War 2.  Buried in the Stanley Military Cemetery, Hong Kong.

Lister, John William Stephen
(deceased 15 May 1996)

[Entitled to the 1939-45 Star, Africa Star with 8th Army bar, Italy Star, France & Germany Star, War Medal, General Service Medal 1918 with clasp [MALAYA], and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal with bar [REGULAR ARMY].

Lord, Robert Cecil (M.C.)
(deceased December 1933)

[Entitled to the Military Cross, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, and Victory Medal with m.i.d.].

Marquis, Maurice Charles
(deceased 21 September 1958)

[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal with m.i.d.]

Marris, Horace Frost (M.C.)
(died of wounds, 12 December 1917)

Served in the 85
th Field Company at Gallipoli and with the 76th Field Company in France and Flanders. Entitled to the Military Cross, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.

Marsh, Willoughby Digby


Marshall, Arthur Law
(deceased 4 April 1977)

2nd Lieutenant
[Entitled to the British War Medal, Victory Medal and Special Constabulary Long Service Medal]. Commissioned on the General List on 1 January 1918. Served with the Inland Water Transport, R.E. at Basra, Iraq and in India. He relinquished his commission on completion of service on the 31st of January 1919.

Matheson, Sir Donald (K.C.B.)(V.D.)
 (deceased 6 March 1901)

[Entitled to the C.B. (Civil), 1881, the K.C.B. (Civil), 1887, 1897 Jubilee Medal and the Volunteer Decoration (1892)].

Maxwell, John Harley
(deceased 5 September 1892)

Lieutenant Colonel (Later Major General)
[Entitled to the Gwalior Star and Punjab Medal with clasps [MOOLTAN][GOOJERAT]

Menage, Victor Richard Thomas
(deceased 11 July 1952)

 Lieutenant Colonel
[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, Defence Medal, War Medal, Jubilee 1953 Medal, Coronation 1937 Medal and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVR)]

Merrett, William Henry (T.D.)
(deceased 28 October 1938)

[Entitled to the Territorial Decoration (GVR) and the Volunteer Long Service Medal (EVIIR)].

Molony, F.A.
(deceased 22 July 1944)

Lieutenant Colonel
[Entitled to the Egypt 1882 Medal with clasp [SUAKIN 1885], the King's South Africa Medal, and the Khedive's Star 1884-6].

Mulholland, Henry Lyle


Napier, Robert Cornelis
(G.C.B., G.C.S.I.)
(deceased 14 January 1890)

Lieutenant Colonel (Later Field-Marshal Lord Napier of Magdala and Caryington)

Neville, Lionel John
(di ed of wounds 17 December 1914)

Served in the 5
th Field Company in the Boer War and in the Great War. Entitled to the Queen’s South Africa Medal with clasps [CAPE COLONY][TRANSVAAL][WITTEBERGEN], King’s South Africa Medal with clasps [SOUTH AFRICA 1901][SOUTH AFRICA 1902], 1914 Star, British War Medal, and Victory Medal .

Nicholson, Sir William Gustavus 1st Baron of Roundhay (K.C.B.)
(deceased 13 September 1918)

Captain (Later Field Marshal)
[Entitled to the K.C.B., Afghanistan 1878-80 Medal with three clasps, Egypt 1882 Medal with one clasp, India General Service Medal 1854 with one clasp, India General Service Medal 1895 with 2 clasps, Queen's South Africa Medal 1899-1902 with 5 clasps, Khedive's Star, Japanese Grand Cordon of the Rising Sun, and Japanese War Medal 1904-05]

Northover, George Thomas
(deceased 18 April 1956)

Entitled to the Queen’s South Africa Medal with clasps [CAPE COLONY][TRANSVAAL][WITTEBERGEN], King’s South Africa Medal with clasps [SOUTH AFRICA 1901][SOUTH AFRICA 1902], 1914 Star and bar, British War Medal, Victory Medal with MID, Army Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVR), Meritorious Service Medal (GVR) and King George V Jubilee Medal.

Oakes, George Frederick Thomas
(died of wounds 15 July 1916)

Served in the 77
th and 130th Field Companies.
[Entitled to the India General Service Medal 1908 with clasp [ABOR 1911-12], 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal] Mentioned in Despatches for his service during the Abor Expedition.

Osmaston, Oswald Camplyon Hutchinson (M.C.)
(killed in action 26 August 1917)

Served in the 12
th Field Company, R.E.
[Entitled to the Military Cross, British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Osterloh, Edward John
(deceased 23 February 1996)

[Entitled to the General Service Medal 1918 with clasp [PALESTINE], 1939-45 Star, Africa Star with clasp [1st ARMY], France and Germany Star, Defence Medal and War Medal].

Prescott, Albert Ernest (D.S.O.)
(deceased 20 December 1948)

Lieutenant Colonel
[Entitled to the Distinguished Service Order, British War Medal and Victory Medal with m.i.d., French Legion of Honour, 5th Class and French Croix de Guerre].

Rees-Mogg, Louis Leyson
(killed in action 11 August 1915)

Served in the 68
th Field Company. Killed in action at Gallipoli. [Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Richards, James Foster
(deceased 26 December 1950)

[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal]

Riddell, C.D. (T.D.)
(deceased 1 May 1964)

Lieutenant, R.E. (formerly Private, Cameron Highlanders; later Major, East Lancashire Regiment)
[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, 1939-45 Star, Defence Medal, War Medal and Territorial Decoration (EIIR)]

Robson, Ralph George Griffiths
(killed in action 23 December 1914)

Served with the 3
rd Company, 1st King George’s Own Sappers and Miners. Entitled to the Delhi Durbar 1911 Medal, the 1914 Star and bar, British War Medal and Victory Medal.

Rogers, Henry Schofield (C.M.G.)(D.S.O.)
(deceased 3 August 1955)

Lieutenant Colonel
[Entitled to the C.M.G., D.S.O., India General Service Medal 1895, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal with m.i.d., 1935 Jubilee Medal, and French Legion of Honour (Chevalier)].

Rose, Launcelot St. Vincent
(killed in action 28 November 1914)

Served as Officer Commanding, 55
th Field Company in the 7th Division. Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal with Mention in Despatches.

Rudd, Arnold
(killed in action 28 March 1918)

2nd Lieutenant
Served in the 63
rd Field Company, 9th Division. Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal
with Mention in Despatches

Schafer, Thomas Edward
(deceased 1973)

[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, Defence Medal, War Medal, Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVR) and Meritorious Service Medal (GVIR)]

Scott, Noel Edmund

Served in the 422
nd Field Company. Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal.

Seally, Edward Molesworth Walpole
(died of wounds 25 December 1915)

[Entitled to the 1914 Star, British War Medal and
Victory Medal, Defence Medal]. Served in the 59th Field Company in France.

Shakespear, John Henry Childe
(deceased 3 June 1969)

[Entitled to the British War Medal, Victory Medal, 1939-45 Star, Pacific Star, Defence Medal and War Medal]

Smith, Alan George Stewart
(deceased 11 December 1978)

Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Corps of Signals, formerly Lieutenant, Royal Engineers Signal Service
[Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal with m.i.d., 1939-45 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, War Medal and Territorial Decoration (GVIR)].

Smith, George Henry Gould

(deceased 26 January 1965)

[Entitled to the M.B.E. (Military), British War Medal and Victory Medal with m.i.d.].

Sproull, Alexander Wallace
(C.B, C.B.E, F.C.G.I.)
(deceased 12 March 1961)

 Major General, late Royal Engineers
[Entitle to the C.B., M.B.E., 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal and medals for service in World War 2 along with numerous rifle marksmanship medals]

Stroud, Henry Clifford
(died in an aircraft accident, 7 March 1918)

[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and
Victory Medal, Defence Medal. He served with the Northumberland Divisional Engineers (1915) and with the Royal Flying Corps (1916-1918)

Tanner, J.A.
(C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.)
(deceased 23 July 1917)

Brigadier General

Tart, Cyril James
(killed in action, 1 July 1916)

2nd Lieutenant
[Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal] Served with the 219
th (Glasgow) Field Company, 32nd Division. Killed in action on the first day of the Somme offensive.

Thomas, George Barnes
(deceased 6 August 1950)

Major, formerly Warrant Officer Class 2
[Entitled to the British War Medal, Victory Medal, 1939-45 War Medal, Defence Medal, Meritorious Service Medal (GVR), and Long Service and Good Conduct Medal (GVR) with bar [REGULAR ARMY].

Thomson, Ronald
(died of wounds, 27 January 1917)

2nd Lieutenant
Served in the 185
th Tunnelling Company. [Entitled to the British War Medal and Victory Medal)

Todd, Ernest Victor
(18 November 1957)


Commissioned Lieutenant in the Royal Engineers and later Captain in the King’s Own Royal Regiment. Served as a Pilot Officer (Administrative) in the Royal Air Force. Awarded the Defence Medal, War Medal and Territorial Decoration for service in World War 2.

Tomes, Lewis Roy Worsam
(deceased 17 August 1948)

Awarded the silver medal for Fieldworks while a recruit in 161 Party, “B” Company Royal Engineers Training Battalion.  Formerly 1870063 Lance Sergeant, Royal Engineers.  Served from 31 January 1933 until his death.

Veitch, William Lionel Douglas,
(C.B., C.B.E.)

 Major General
[Entitled to the India General Service Medal1908-25 with clasp [NORTH WEST FRONTIER 1930-31] with Mention in Despatches, India General Service Medal 1936-39 with clasp [NORTH WEST FRONTIER 1936-37], Defence Medal, War Medal, Coronation Medal 1953, Pakistan Independence Medal.  He served as the Commandant of the Bengal Sappers and Miners and Engineer-in-Chief of the newly formed army of Pakistan.

Von Donop, Pelham George

Lieutenant Colonel

Wade, Hender Molesworth St. Aubyn
(deceased 23 March 1903)

Brother of Lieutenant Colonel James Molesworth Wade, R.E.

Wade, James Molesworth
(deceased 5 December 1930)

Lieutenant Colonel
[Entitled to the India General Service Medal, 1854 with clasp [BURMA 1885-7].

Walker, Arthur Dunbar
(missing, presumed dead, 26 March 1918)

Lieutenant Colonel
Served in Tibet as a Lieutenant, 1903-1904. Was the Adjutant of the 18
th Divisional Royal Engineers and the Commander Royal Engineers of the 24th Division during the Great War. Entitled to the Distinguished Service Order, Tibet Medal, 1903-04, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal with Mention in Despatches. Also was mentioned in despatches for his service in Tibet.

Walker, Sir Hubert Edmund, (Kt.)(C.B.E.)

Lieutenant, formerly Sapper, Royal Marine Engineers
[Entitled to the O.B.E. (Civil), 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, 1935 Jubilee Medal and 1937 Coronation Medal]

Waymark, John David

Lieutenant Colonel

Wellesley, Richard Colley

Lieutenant Colonel

Whiteford, Quentin Hamilton
(deceased 2 December 1944)

Lieutenant, formerly Private, Queenstown Rifle Volunteers
[Entitled to the Queen's South Africa Medal with clasp [CAPE COLONY], King's South Africa Medal, British War Medal and Victory Medal with m.i.d.]

Wilson, Sir Charles William (K.C.B.)(K.C.M.G.)(F.R.S.)(D.C.L.)
( LL.D.) (M.E.)

[Entitled to the K.C.B., K.C.M.G., Egypt 1882 Medal and Khedive's Star]

Wilson, Cyril Spencer, M.C.
(deceased 27 October 1918)

[Entitled to the Military Cross, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory with Mention in Despatches oak leaf}. He served in the 565th Army Troops Company and No. 4 Works Company

Woolley, Thomas Golding (E.D.)
(deceased 8 May 1966)

Lieutenant Colonel Ernest John Woolley, MC (brother of T.G. Woolley)
22nd (County of London) Battalion (The Queen’s) 
(Deceased 24 December 1950)

2nd Lieutenant Henry Francis Severne (cousin of T.G. Woolley)
1/6th Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters
(Killed in action on 10 May 1915)

[Entitled to the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, Defence Medal 1939-45 War Medal and Territorial Decoration (GVIR)