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The following information is quoted from Grierson (1899):

"To strengthen the cadres still more and to make provision for such men as desire to earn their living in the army, certain classes of soldiers are allowed to engage for 21 years, and by this means earn a pension. The terms are as follows:

a. Warrant Officers, Staff Sergeants, and Sergeants of the corps of Army Schoolmasters have the right after 11 years’ service, and those of other arms after 9 years’ service to engage for 21 years.

b. Corporals, bombardiers, second corporals, bandsmen, pipers and artificers may be allowed with the consent of the commander of the battalions, &c., to engage for 21 years after 9 years’ service; trumpeters, drummers, and buglers after 11 years’ service.

c. Other soldiers may have leave given them by the commander of the battalion, &c., to engage for 21 years, if they have earned two "good conduct" badges. (But as a rule this leave is granted only to men in special posts such as officers’ servants, mess waiters, &c.).


GRIERSON, J.M. Scarlet Into Khaki: The British Army on the Eve of the Boer War. Greenhill Books, London, 1988, p. 24.