The Haynes Medal is a memorial to Captain Alfred Ernest Haynes, R.E. The memorial medal was originated in 1898. Captain Haynes, as a junior officer, was selected by Colonel Charles Warren to accompany him on the Palmer Search Expedition in 1882 and in the Bechuanaland Expedition of 1884-5. He was Assistant Instructor in Survey at the School of Military Engineering from 1889 to 1894, and in 1896, while taking the 43rd Company to Mauritius, he with his company joined the Matabeleland Expedition. During this expedition, Haynes was killed in a successful attack on Makoni's Kraal in Rhodesia. A subscription, in which many R.E. officers joined, was raised by his family and friends to erect a memorial in Rochester Cathedral. A balance of the fund was offered to the Corps and was used to provide bronze medal to a Sapper in each party of recruits going through the Field Work course at the School of Military Engineering.
(*) BAKER BROWN, W. The History of the Corps of Royal Engineers. Volume IV. The Institution of Royal Engineers, Chatham, Kent, 1952.