Naik (Piper) Miram Baksh
King George's Own Sappers and Miners
(circa 1931)
Lieutenant Colonel Edward De Santis ©2008
Naik Baksh, a Muslim junior
non-commissioned officer, is wearing a khaki service dress tunic
with Prince of Wales plume buttons and knickerbockers (1). He is
wearing dark blue puttees, a dark blue paggari (turban) with a
yellow fringe and a red kullah (2), and King George's Own Sappers
and Miners cap badge of the Prince of Wales plume design. His
waist belt is of brown leather with a plain buckle. He is also
wearing unit shoulder titles on the shoulder straps of his tunic
and his rank chevrons on his right arm. The Piper's sash is of
dark blue cloth with yellow trimmed edges and the badges (from
top to bottom) are GRI (King George's Own Bengal Sappers
and Miners), The Prince of Wales's plume with motto Ich Dien,
and the RE monogram intertwined. Naik Miram Baksh's
medals consist of the 1914-15 Star, British War Medal and Victory
(1) Breeches gathered at the knee.
(2) Centre cap.