1869068 Sapper A. DAWSON
Royal Engineers
Lieutenant Colonel Edward De Santis ©2008
Dawson won the medallion shown at the left while assigned to 141
Party, "C" Company, Royal Engineer Training Battalion.
The medallion was awarded to him as the 4th Best Man in Bayonet
Fighting in his party.
Dawson was promoted to the rank of Lance Corporal on the 29th of March 1932 and received an accelerated promotion to the rank of Corporal on the 1st of September 1934 while serving with the 42nd Company, R.E. Dawson was also in possession of a First Class Certificate of Education which he received in January of 1932.
1. The Sapper, January 1932, p. 166.
2. The Sapper, June 1932, p. 306.
3. The Sapper, December 1934, p. 476.